Generic List - moving an item within the list
So I have a generic list, and an oldIndex
and a newIndex
I want to move the item at oldIndex
, to newIndex simply as possible.
Any suggestions?
The item should be end up between the items at (newIndex - 1)
and newIndex
before it was removed.
Solution 1:
I know you said "generic list" but you didn't specify that you needed to use the List(T) class so here is a shot at something different.
The ObservableCollection(T) class has a Move method that does exactly what you want.
public void Move(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
Underneath it is basically implemented like this.
T item = base[oldIndex];
base.InsertItem(newIndex, item);
So as you can see the swap method that others have suggested is essentially what the ObservableCollection does in it's own Move method.
UPDATE 2015-12-30: You can see the source code for the Move and MoveItem methods in corefx now for yourself without using Reflector/ILSpy since .NET is open source.
Solution 2:
var item = list[oldIndex];
if (newIndex > oldIndex) newIndex--;
// the actual index could have shifted due to the removal
list.Insert(newIndex, item);
Put into Extension methods they look like:
public static void Move<T>(this List<T> list, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
var item = list[oldIndex];
if (newIndex > oldIndex) newIndex--;
// the actual index could have shifted due to the removal
list.Insert(newIndex, item);
public static void Move<T>(this List<T> list, T item, int newIndex)
if (item != null)
var oldIndex = list.IndexOf(item);
if (oldIndex > -1)
if (newIndex > oldIndex) newIndex--;
// the actual index could have shifted due to the removal
list.Insert(newIndex, item);
Solution 3:
I know this question is old but I adapted THIS response of javascript code to C#. Hope it helps
public static void Move<T>(this List<T> list, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
// exit if positions are equal or outside array
if ((oldIndex == newIndex) || (0 > oldIndex) || (oldIndex >= list.Count) || (0 > newIndex) ||
(newIndex >= list.Count)) return;
// local variables
var i = 0;
T tmp = list[oldIndex];
// move element down and shift other elements up
if (oldIndex < newIndex)
for (i = oldIndex; i < newIndex; i++)
list[i] = list[i + 1];
// move element up and shift other elements down
for (i = oldIndex; i > newIndex; i--)
list[i] = list[i - 1];
// put element from position 1 to destination
list[newIndex] = tmp;
Solution 4:
List<T>.Remove() and List<T>.RemoveAt() do not return the item that is being removed.
Therefore you have to use this:
var item = list[oldIndex];
list.Insert(newIndex, item);
Solution 5:
I created an extension method for moving items in a list.
An index should not shift if we are moving an existing item since we are moving an item to an existing index position in the list.
The edge case that @Oliver refers to below (moving an item to the end of the list) would actually cause the tests to fail, but this is by design. To insert a new item at the end of the list we would just call List<T>.Add
. list.Move(predicate, list.Count)
should fail since this index position does not exist before the move.
In any case, I've created two additional extension methods, MoveToEnd
and MoveToBeginning
, the source of which can be found here.
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods for <see cref="System.Collections.Generic.List{T}"/>
/// </summary>
public static class ListExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Moves the item matching the <paramref name="itemSelector"/> to the <paramref name="newIndex"/> in a list.
/// </summary>
public static void Move<T>(this List<T> list, Predicate<T> itemSelector, int newIndex)
Ensure.Argument.NotNull(list, "list");
Ensure.Argument.NotNull(itemSelector, "itemSelector");
Ensure.Argument.Is(newIndex >= 0, "New index must be greater than or equal to zero.");
var currentIndex = list.FindIndex(itemSelector);
Ensure.That<ArgumentException>(currentIndex >= 0, "No item was found that matches the specified selector.");
// Copy the current item
var item = list[currentIndex];
// Remove the item
// Finally add the item at the new index
list.Insert(newIndex, item);
[Subject(typeof(ListExtensions), "Move")]
public class List_Move
static List<int> list;
public class When_no_matching_item_is_found
static Exception exception;
Establish ctx = () => {
list = new List<int>();
Because of = ()
=> exception = Catch.Exception(() => list.Move(x => x == 10, 10));
It Should_throw_an_exception = ()
=> exception.ShouldBeOfType<ArgumentException>();
public class When_new_index_is_higher
Establish ctx = () => {
list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Because of = ()
=> list.Move(x => x == 3, 4); // move 3 to end of list (index 4)
It Should_be_moved_to_the_specified_index = () =>
public class When_new_index_is_lower
Establish ctx = () => {
list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Because of = ()
=> list.Move(x => x == 4, 0); // move 4 to beginning of list (index 0)
It Should_be_moved_to_the_specified_index = () =>