How do you access the content of the iPhoto bundle from Time Machine?

I would like to access the files of the iPhoto library bundle to retrieve just some of the files to help solving this question about corrupted iPhoto db files properly.

In time machine mode there is no way to show the content of the bundle.

No option to show the content of the bundle

All I can get is a time machine view of the iPhoto application.

Only option is to open iPhoto

Solution 1:

  1. Open the iPhoto bundle before your enter Time Machine.

  2. When you start Time Machine, the whole folder looks empty (plain white) - which is probably a bug that still needs a fix (I'm on 10.7.3).

    You can get to show the contents by toggling the view options.

BTW: It's also possible to use Go to Folder... via ++G in Time Machine. But this will not help you to enter the iPhoto bundle - whatever the reason is :(

enter image description here