Suppress Chrome 'Failed to load resource' messages in console

This feature was introduced last year. You can enable it here: DevTools->Settings->General->Console->Hide network messages.

Hiding network messages in Chrome DevTools

See also Filtering the Console output and Additional settings in the devtools documentation.

Use console.clear() in the catch block or error handler function. It will clear those request error on the console immediately after it is logged.


From MDN

Note that in Google Chrome, console.clear() has no effect if the user has selected "Preserve log upon navigation" in the settings.

Read more about it on MDN

try {
  var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'https://invalidurl', false);
} catch(e) {

Should log this

GET https://invalidurl/ net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

but it will be cleared.

Unfortunately, this can't be done, as this type of message in the console is printed by chrome itself. Repressing this type of message has been debated for years, but the consensus seems to be that this message is desirable.