How to capture generated audio from window.speechSynthesis.speak() call?

Previous questions have presented this same or similar inquiry

  • Can Web Speech API used in conjunction with Web Audio API?

  • How to access audio result from Speech Synthesis API?

  • Record HTML5 SpeechSynthesisUtterance generated speech to file

  • generate audio file with W3C Web Speech API

yet no workarounds appear to be have been created using window.speechSynthesis(). Though there are workarounds using epeak , meSpeak How to create or convert text to audio at chromium browser? or making requests to external servers.

How to capture and record audio output of window.speechSynthesis.speak() call and return result as a Blob, ArrayBuffer, AudioBuffer or other object type?

Solution 1:

The Web Speech API Specification does not presently provide a means or hint on how to achieve returning or capturing and recording audio output of window.speechSynthesis.speak() call.

See also

  • MediaStream, ArrayBuffer, Blob audio result from speak() for recording?

  • Re: MediaStream, ArrayBuffer, Blob audio result from speak() for recording?

  • Re: MediaStream, ArrayBuffer, Blob audio result from speak() for recording?. In pertinent part, use cases include, but are not limited to

    1. Persons who have issues speaking; i.e.g., persons whom have suffered a stroke or other communication inhibiting afflictions. They could convert text to an audio file and send the file to another individual or group. This feature would go towards helping them communicate with other persons, similar to the technologies which assist Stephen Hawking communicate;

    2. Presently, the only person who can hear the audio output is the person in front of the browser; in essence, not utilizing the full potential of the text to speech functionality. The audio result can be used as an attachment within an email; media stream; chat system; or other communication application. That is, control over the generated audio output;

    3. Another application would be to provide a free, libre, open source audio dictionary and translation service - client to client and client to server, server to client.

It is possible to capture the output of audio output of window.speechSynthesis.speak() call utilizing navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() and MediaRecorder(). The expected result is returned at Chromium browser. Implementation at Firefox has issues. Select Monitor of Built-in Audio Analog Stereo at navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() prompt.

The workaround is cumbersome. We should be able to get generated audio, at least as a Blob, without navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() and MediaRecorder().

More interest is evidently necessary by users of browsers, JavaScript and C++ developers, browser implementers and specification authors for further input; to create a proper specification for the feature, and consistent implementation at browsers' source code; see How to implement option to return Blob, ArrayBuffer, or AudioBuffer from window.speechSynthesis.speak() call.

At Chromium a speech dispatcher program should be installed and the instance launched with --enable-speech-dispatcher flag set, as window.speechSynthesis.getVoices() returns an empty array, see How to use Web Speech API at chromium?.

Proof of concept

// SpeechSynthesisRecorder.js guest271314 6-17-2017
// Motivation: Get audio output from `window.speechSynthesis.speak()` call
// as `ArrayBuffer`, `AudioBuffer`, `Blob`, `MediaSource`, `MediaStream`, `ReadableStream`, or other object or data types
// See

// Configuration: Analog Stereo Duplex
// Input Devices: Monitor of Built-in Audio Analog Stereo, Built-in Audio Analog Stereo

class SpeechSynthesisRecorder {
  constructor({text = "", utteranceOptions = {}, recorderOptions = {}, dataType = ""}) {
    if (text === "") throw new Error("no words to synthesize");
    this.dataType = dataType;
    this.text = text;
    this.mimeType = MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported("audio/webm; codecs=opus") 
                    ? "audio/webm; codecs=opus" : "audio/ogg; codecs=opus";
    this.utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(this.text);
    this.speechSynthesis = window.speechSynthesis;
    this.mediaStream_ = new MediaStream();
    this.mediaSource_ = new MediaSource();
    this.mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(this.mediaStream_, {
      mimeType: this.mimeType,
      bitsPerSecond: 256 * 8 * 1024
    this.audioContext = new AudioContext();
    this.audioNode = new Audio();
    this.chunks = Array();
    if (utteranceOptions) {
      if (utteranceOptions.voice) {
        this.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = e => {
          const voice = this.speechSynthesis.getVoices().find(({
            name: _name
          }) => _name === utteranceOptions.voice);
          this.utterance.voice = voice;
          console.log(voice, this.utterance);
      let {
        lang, rate, pitch
      } = utteranceOptions;
      Object.assign(this.utterance, {
        lang, rate, pitch
    this.audioNode.controls = "controls";
  start(text = "") {
    if (text) this.text = text;
    if (this.text === "") throw new Error("no words to synthesize");
    return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
        audio: true
      .then(stream => new Promise(resolve => {
        const track = stream.getAudioTracks()[0];
        // return the current `MediaStream`
        if (this.dataType && this.dataType === "mediaStream") {
          resolve({tts:this, data:this.mediaStream_});
        this.mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = event => {
          if ( > 0) {
        this.mediaRecorder.onstop = () => {
          console.log(`Completed recording ${this.utterance.text}`, this.chunks);
        this.utterance.onstart = () => {
          console.log(`Starting recording SpeechSynthesisUtterance ${this.utterance.text}`);
        this.utterance.onend = () => {
          console.log(`Ending recording SpeechSynthesisUtterance ${this.utterance.text}`);
  blob() {
    if (!this.chunks.length) throw new Error("no data to return");
    return Promise.resolve({
      tts: this,
      data: this.chunks.length === 1 ? this.chunks[0] : new Blob(this.chunks, {
        type: this.mimeType
  arrayBuffer(blob) {
    if (!this.chunks.length) throw new Error("no data to return");
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      const reader = new FileReader;
      reader.onload = e => resolve(({
        tts: this,
        data: reader.result
      reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob ? new Blob(blob, {
        type: blob.type
      }) : this.chunks.length === 1 ? this.chunks[0] : new Blob(this.chunks, {
        type: this.mimeType
  audioBuffer() {
    if (!this.chunks.length) throw new Error("no data to return");
    return this.arrayBuffer()
      .then(ab => this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(ab))
      .then(buffer => ({
        tts: this,
        data: buffer
  mediaSource() {
    if (!this.chunks.length) throw new Error("no data to return");
    return this.arrayBuffer()
        data: ab
      }) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        this.mediaSource_.onsourceended = () => resolve({
          tts: this,
          data: this.mediaSource_
        this.mediaSource_.onsourceopen = () => {
          if (MediaSource.isTypeSupported(this.mimeType)) {
            const sourceBuffer = this.mediaSource_.addSourceBuffer(this.mimeType);
            sourceBuffer.mode = "sequence"
            sourceBuffer.onupdateend = () =>
          } else {
            reject(`${this.mimeType} is not supported`)
        this.audioNode.src = URL.createObjectURL(this.mediaSource_);
  readableStream({size = 1024, controllerOptions = {}, rsOptions = {}}) {
    if (!this.chunks.length) throw new Error("no data to return");
    const src = this.chunks.slice(0);
    const chunk = size;
    return Promise.resolve({
      tts: this,
      data: new ReadableStream(controllerOptions || {
        start(controller) {
            controller.enqueue(src.splice(0, chunk))
          pull(controller) {
            if (src.length = 0) controller.close();
            controller.enqueue(src.splice(0, chunk));
      }, rsOptions)


let ttsRecorder = new SpeechSynthesisRecorder({
   text: "The revolution will not be televised", 
   utternanceOptions: {
     voice: "english-us espeak",
     lang: "en-US",
     pitch: .75,
     rate: 1

 // ArrayBuffer
 // `tts` : `SpeechSynthesisRecorder` instance, `data` : audio as `dataType` or method call result
 .then(tts => tts.arrayBuffer())
 .then(({tts, data}) => {
   // do stuff with `ArrayBuffer`, `AudioBuffer`, `Blob`,
   // `MediaSource`, `MediaStream`, `ReadableStream`
   // `data` : `ArrayBuffer`
   tts.audioNode.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], {type:tts.mimeType}));
   tts.audioNode.title = tts.utterance.text;
   tts.audioNode.onloadedmetadata = () => {
 // AudioBuffer     
 .then(tts => tts.audioBuffer())
 .then(({tts, data}) => {
   // `data` : `AudioBuffer`
   let source = tts.audioContext.createBufferSource();
   source.buffer = data;
 // Blob
 .then(tts => tts.blob())
 .then(({tts, data}) => {
   // `data` : `Blob`
   tts.audioNode.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
   tts.audioNode.title = tts.utterance.text;
   tts.audioNode.onloadedmetadata = () => {
 // ReadableStream
 .then(tts => tts.readableStream())
 .then(({tts, data}) => {
   // `data` : `ReadableStream`
   console.log(tts, data);
   data.getReader().read().then(({value, done}) => {
     tts.audioNode.src = URL.createObjectURL(value[0]);
     tts.audioNode.title = tts.utterance.text;
     tts.audioNode.onloadedmetadata = () => {
 // MediaSource
 .then(tts => tts.mediaSource())
 .then(({tts, data}) => {
   console.log(tts, data);
   // `data` : `MediaSource`
   tts.audioNode.srcObj = data;
   tts.audioNode.title = tts.utterance.text;
   tts.audioNode.onloadedmetadata = () => {
 // MediaStream
 let ttsRecorder = new SpeechSynthesisRecorder({
   text: "The revolution will not be televised", 
   utternanceOptions: {
     voice: "english-us espeak",
     lang: "en-US",
     pitch: .75,
     rate: 1
 .then(({tts, data}) => {
   // `data` : `MediaStream`
   // do stuff with active `MediaStream`
 .catch(err => console.log(err))
