Phrase for spinning your keys on your finger

I see this "action" everywhere but I've never seen it written. If you're wondering what I'm talking about it's when someone "confidently spins their keychain thingy on their finger whilst walking over to their car". I see it in every movie with a guy that drives a car. It's so "everywhere", yet I have no idea how to write it in a way that's not awkward, like my title. So, is there a "phrase" for this action? The first thing I thought of was:

He spun his keys on his finger as he walked over to his car

But it seems too awkward and clunky. I'm not sure if there is a dedicated phrase for this one very specific thing, but any other alternatives are welcome as the one I currently have is very bad.

I like "twirling his keys on his finger"

He twiddled [with] his keys.

twiddle verb to turn about or play with lightly or idly, especially with the fingers; twirl.


Twiddling a pencil obviously involves rotation, and twiddling a set of keys cannot really involve anything other than spinning them.

He swung the keys around his finger and into his palm.

using the idea of a pivot/fulcrum from definition 4 in above link.