CPU temperature monitor for 14.04LTS?

Is there a way to configure psensor so the temperatures read out in real time in the panel so it could be read at a glance? So far, in order to read the temperature I have to click on the applet indicator. On 12.04 I had a Hardware Indicator Sensors by Alex Murray that did that job fine but it doesn't work in 14.04 (can anyone verify? I'm getting an "E: Unable to locate package indicator-sensors"). I ended up starting to use psensor again and it only shows the temp in Unity (my Unity is on auto hide).

Solution 1:

See http://wpitchoune.net/blog/sensors-in-the-top-bar-of-the-desktop/.

It has been added in psensor since the release 1.0.2.

Basically, with a terminal:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jfi/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install psensor

Solution 2:

Try this: Go to your Dash and open Software and Updates. Go the other software tab and try to add it from there by pressing add. Add "ppa:alexmurray/indicator-sensors-daily" excluding the quotes and add. Check the box next to the source in the list of sources. Open a terminal and try:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-sensors

If that doesnt work, try to install it from Synaptic Package Manager. (To get it): sudo apt-get install synaptic Open Synaptic and search indicator-sensors. Right click on it and click Mark For Installation. Click Apply and let it install.