Use Eduroam to connect to PEAP and MSCHAPv2

I'm been using Eduroam on my Ubuntu-client for the last three years now, and with every new version, there is harder and harder to connect to Eduroam (my university network).

Up until now it has worked with just using PEAP and MSCHAPv2, with my university credentials. this time though after endless hours, it's still not willing to connect. Anyone got an idea on how, or even managed to do it them self? Eduroam is on just about all universities in the world, so i guess I'm not the only Ubuntu-user needing this?

Solution 1:

This seems to be a bug with Gnome Network Manager that has inexplicably stuck around ( In short, after you try and fail to connect to eduroam for the fist time

  1. go to the folder /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections and edit the eduroam entry (e.g. open a terminal and type:

    sudo -H gedit /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/eduroam
  2. In this file you'll find an entry system-ca-certs=true that you need to delete.

  3. Save, and try to connect (it will probably fail at first and you'll have to re-enter the password) it should connect successfully after that!

If it still doesn't connect, try "Edit Connections" under the network menu. Find eduroam and in the "Security" tab, input the password. Then connect. It worked for me!

Solution 2:

Ubuntu 14.04 eduroam connection:

Edit eduroam connections->Wi-Fi Security:

  1. Security : WPA&WPA2 Enterprise
  2. Authentication : Protected EAP(PEAP)
  3. ANonymous ID: [email protected]
  4. CA Certificate: None (and check the box "No certificate required", if any)
  5. PEAP Version : automatic
  6. Inner Authentication: MSCHAPv2
  7. username : [email protected]
  8. passwd: ......

Then ignore the certificate warning.