How to change graphic card driver using ubuntu-drivers?

Solution 1:

No, you can't. At least no with that tool. There isn't a command that would help you to install different drivers:

list: Show all driver packages which apply to the current system.
debug: Print all available information and debug data about drivers.
devices: Show all devices which need drivers, and which packages apply to them.
autoinstall: Install drivers that are appropriate for automatic installation.

list doesn't install, but lists. debug just prints more information. devices is informative. autoinstall doesn't allow other parameters:

def command_autoinstall(args):
    '''Install drivers that are appropriate for automatic installation.'''

    cache = apt.Cache()

    packages = UbuntuDrivers.detect.system_driver_packages(cache)
    packages = UbuntuDrivers.detect.auto_install_filter(packages)
    if not packages:
        print('No drivers found for automatic installation.')

    # ignore packages which are already installed
    to_install = []
    for p in packages:
        if not cache[p].installed:

    if not packages:
        print('All drivers for automatic installation are already installed.')

    ret =['apt-get', 'install', '-o',
        'DPkg::options::=--force-confnew', '-y'] + to_install)

    # create package list
    if ret == 0 and args.package_list:
        with open(args.package_list, 'a') as f:

    return ret

You could just ignore the tool and install manually the package yourself using apt following the output you got. Just remove one package and install the other:

sudo apt-get install nvidia-331-updates