NetworkManager tray (nm-applet) is gone after upgrade to 14.04 Trusty [duplicate]

Solution 1:

You could use the indicator plugin instead, but you may see frequent crashes. The crash is caused by the Applications Menus indicator. Add the indicator plugin and, before it crashes, right click on it, choose 'properties' and tick the 'hidden' checkbox next to the 'Application Menus (Global Menu)' indicator. Then restart the panel with 'xfce4-panel -r'

Instead, I fixed nm-applet by changing the 'Exec' line in /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop to 'dbus-launch nm-applet'

Solution 2:

It turns out that to see the nm-applet icon, you have to install package "xfce4-indicator-plugin" and add "Indicator Panel" to the panel.

That adds a whole bunch of icons that you probably don't want, and that ignore your theme choice. But at least you'll have the nm-applet icon again. For a while. The indicator-panel dies every few seconds for me, and when it does stay running long enough for me to try configuring it, the configuration panel doesn't work either.

Your mileage may vary - try the "Indicator Panel" and see if it works for you.

Solution 3:

I had the same problem, but i just kill 'indicator-application-service' and icons network, bluetooth and skype appear again. I use xfce on amd64.

Solution 4:

I found the solution to this problem here:

Quoting their site: The fix for this issue is simple, first stop the network-manager service, like this:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop

Delete the /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state file:

$ sudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state

Turn back on the network-manager service:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager start