Recover Ubuntuone files after 14.04 installation [duplicate]

I need to restore my documents and folders, since the installation of 14.04 reformatted my harddisk.

I can sign in to Ubuntuone, but I see no way to make it restore the files to my harddisk.

Solution 1:

Ubuntu One has been removed from 14.04. You will no longer be able to get the app, using Software Center.

However, You might like to access/restore your data using (at least) following ways.

  1. You may download all your data directly from as zipped file [Easiest way! Thanks to dobey]
  2. Install UbuntuOne client on on other OSes (Like Windows, Android) and sync.
  3. Use a live cd of an older version of Ubuntu and Install UbuntuOne (I haven't tested but it should work)
  4. Access you file via FTP. It is easy to setup (and I did this right now).

Follow this Video. However, there is a small change in the connection setup. While trying to setup FTP server, use this address

and hit 'Connect'. Everything else should be remain same as tutorial and video.

After connecting to UbuntuOne you will see your files in a directory named "Ubuntu One". Copy the entire directory to your local drive.

REMEMBER, It’s Time to say goodbye to Ubuntu One file services.

Solution 2:

You can download your files as a zip on the Ubuntu One web site now.