How can I send SMS from my PC using my Android Phone (Galaxy S3)

I've been a long-time Nokia fan, but finally succumbed to the Samsung Galaxy S3's amazing screen, & Android's Open community.

One feature I use a lot (about a hundred times a day...) is Nokia PC Suite's ability to send SMS via the phone. It:

  • Uses my phone's contact list.
  • Notifies me when I get an sms.
  • Allows me to send SMS using my PC's keyboard.
  • Essentially turning SMS into just another IM medium I use on the PC.

How will I do this with the Samsung Galaxy S3 + Windows 7?

Solution 1:

Use Airdroid. It gives SMS and much more. And it is web based so you don't need to install a client on your machine.

Solution 2:

MyPhoneExplorer the best software i know!! Works really great, its fast and needs no installation. It works via USB, WLAN or bluetooth.

Solution 3:

you don't need any extra apps or software as Samsung has this already covered. Samsung kies air is capable of doing all this & more using WiFi. It only works for Samsung devices tho. :))