What does the noun "lucker" mean?

What does the noun "lucker" mean? It's not in the Webster, but Google does give search results for such key phrases as "I am a lucker" or "He is a lucker" (and those are not misspellings like "luckier" or "lurker"). So people DO use that word. I myself heard it a number of times. And if they use it, it should have some meaning. So, here is my question: what does the noun "lucker" mean?

Solution 1:

I found its meaning on Urban Dictionary:

A word which is primarily used by retards in CounterStrike - although its use has unfortunately spread to other FPS (First Person Shooter) games.

It means someone who gets 'lucky'. It is used mostly in situation where a person, considering himself/herself to be the best on the server (or at least better than the player he just got wasted by) says "Lucker!!!!". It can also be used as an incorrect replacement for "Lucky".

Solution 2:

One can only conclude it's part of a headline about an unfortunate and criminally-inclined chicken-farm worker ... e.g. Unlucky Clucker Plucker on Way to Pen.