How to delete the entire library

I have XBMC installed on a HTPC. I use it to play the movies I have copied from my DVD collection. I store those movies on a separate server. I had to move the files to a different location on the server. Now when I try to play a movie I get an error stating the file does not exist. How can I delete the entire database in XBMC so it can rebuild itself with the new correct location of the movie files?

Delete MyVideos34.db from XBMC\userdata\Database.

You could also go to Settings > Video and clean the library. That will remove any items in the library that it can no longer find on the disk, then just rescan.

I recently migrated my XBMC library from one server to another and just changed the locations in the database, but I was using MySQL, so I'm not sure how I would do the same thing in SQLite, which is the built-in database.

Mine all moved from a NFS export on one server to a CIFS share on another.