How to run multiple stages on the same node with declarative Jenkins pipeline?

Solution 1:

Since version 1.3 of Declarative Pipeline plugin, this is officially supported. It's officially called "Sequential Stages".

pipeline {
    agent none

    stages {
        stage("check code style") {
            agent {
                docker "code-style-check-image"
            steps {
                sh "./"

        stage("build and test the project") {
            agent {
                docker "build-tools-image"
            stages {
               stage("build") {
                   steps {
                       sh "./"
               stage("test") {
                   steps {
                       sh "./"

Official announcement here:

Solution 2:

You could define stages inside a script block. Those stages are kind of sub-stages of a parent stage running in a given agent. That was the approach that I had to use in a similar use case than yours.


windowsNode = 'windows'

pipeline {
  agent none
  stages {
    stage('Stage A') {
      agent {
        label windowsNode
      steps {
        script {

          stage('Stage 1') {        
            windowsNode = NODE_NAME
            echo "windowsNode: $windowsNode, NODE_NAME: $NODE_NAME"

          stage('Stage 2') {
            echo "windowsNode: $windowsNode, NODE_NAME: $NODE_NAME"