How to use multiple versions of GCC

We have a new application that requires glibc 2.4 (from gcc 4.1). The machine we have runs on has gcc 3.4.6. We can not upgrade, and the application must be run on this machine.

We installed gcc 4.1, however, when it comes to compile time it is using all the includes, etc, from 3.4.6.

How do we get around this?

Any suggestions on using 4.1 for just this application?

Refer "How to install multiple versions of GCC" here in the GNU GCC FAQ.

There's also a white paper here.

for Ubuntu it's pretty easy

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test

sudo apt-get update

and then install for example gcc version 6

sudo apt-get install gcc-6

Have you tried gcc-select? Otherwise, try setting the INCLUDE_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH in your shell.

update-alternatives is a very good way to have multiple gcc versions: