MySQL replication not working - no errors

Solution 1:

Either binlog_do_db or binlog_ignore_db probably don't work the way you think they do. Here's Baron Schwarz explaining why. My guess is that before you wrote that command, you either wrote USE mysql or USE test. Since those two databases are ignored, any statements you run while using that database, even if they write to another database, are ignored.

One hint that the master didn't even write that INSERT statement to the binary log is in the output from your SHOW MASTER STATUS\G command. Both before and after the INSERT statement:

Position: 106

The slave also has the same position which explains why it thinks it's working fine:

Read_Master_Log_Pos: 106

Suggestion: remove the binlog_do_db and binlog_ignore_db configuration options. If you need filtering, do it on the slave(s).