Is there an analogue to the "Delta" symbol for ratios?

A capital delta ($\Delta$) is commonly used to indicate a difference (especially an incremental difference). For example, $\Delta x = x_1 - x_0$

My question is: is there an analogue of this notation for ratios?

In other words, what's the best symbol to use for $[?]$ in $[?]x = \dfrac{x_1}{x_0}$?

Not entirely standard, but in Peter Henrici's discussion of the (justly famous) quotient-difference (QD) algorithm in the books Elements of Numerical Analysis (see p. 163) and Essentials of Numerical Analysis (see p. 155), he defines the quotient operator as


in complete analogy with the (forward) difference operator $\Delta$.

Henrici's a pretty sharp mathematician, so I wouldn't mind borrowing notation from him if I were in your shoes...

Here's a screenshot of the relevant page of the first book (sorry, I don't have a digital copy of the other book):


The best symbol to use is $\exp\Delta\log$: $$\exp\Delta\log x = \exp(\log x_1-\log x_0) = \frac{x_1}{x_0}.$$ The point is that this operation isn't "qualitatively different" from $\Delta$, so it may be reduced to $\Delta$. So far, I haven't used any new symbols but if you want some multiplicative new creative symbols, see e-percentages and units of evidence:

There is no compact symbol for $\exp\Delta\log$. If you want an ally who would endorse the idea to introduce such a symbol, you may count on me. What about $\Delta^\times$?

The greek letter $\Delta$ stands for Difference So the symbol for the multiplicative increase of variable should be related to letter $Q$ in greek which is the ancient Qoppa letter and stands for Quotient enter image description here