Is there an English translation of Jordan's "Cours D'analyse"

I am trying to find an English translation of Camille Jordan's work "Cours D'analyse". Only the French edition is on Amazon, so since this is a somewhat specialized topic, I thought perhaps someone in this forum might know.

TIA, Matt

Solution 1:

I just discovered that you can open an online version of it in Google Chrome and have google translate it to English:

Solution 2:

During 1989 I spent several months translating all 3 volumes for my own benefit. About a decade later I spent several more months creating Word files using MathType. If you would like to proof read Chapter 1 of Volume 1 then contact me.

Solution 3:

There is, translated by Robert E. Bradley (Professor of Mathematics at Adelphi University) and C. Edward Sandifer (Professor of Mathematics at Western Connecticut State University). You can find it here.

EDIT: this is incorrect. See comments :)