Where to spend Fleet Commendations?

I have amassed quite a few of these, as I rather enjoy the space battles. Although I've not found anywhere to trade them in yet. I've had a brief look around the Republic Fleet both Carrik station and the other ships, but didn't find anything.

Does anyone know if you can spend them, or if this is to be added later when they update the space part of the game?

Solution 1:

The commendation vendor can be found in the same room as the Starship Upgrades vendor on Carrick Station (NE quadrant, if I recall correctly). He's just not standing behind the counter, but by the racks just next to the counter.

Edit: Confirmed. It's a protocol droid named S-40.

Solution 2:

There should be a vendor who sells ship gear, along with some vanity items. At the Imperial Fleet, he's in the 'Market' quadrant, downstairs from the GTN.