Try extending SessionGuard and overriding function hasValidCredentials()

Create A file by name 'SessionGuardExtended' in App\CoreExtensions

use Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable;

class SessionGuardExtended extends SessionGuard
     * Determine if the user matches the credentials.
     * @param  mixed  $user
     * @param  array  $credentials
     * @return bool
    protected function hasValidCredentials($user, $credentials)
        return ! is_null($user) && $credentials['password'] == $user->getAuthPassword();

Edit config/auth.php edit the driver and use sessionExtended

'web' => [
    'driver' => 'sessionExtended',
    'provider' => 'users',

In AppServiceProvider Write Code in boot function

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()
        function ($app) {
            $provider = new EloquentUserProvider($app['hash'], config('auth.providers.users.model'));
            return new SessionGuardExtended('sessionExtended', $provider, app()->make(''), request());

Reference: Extending Laravel 5.2 SessionGuard