free UML sequence diagram reverse engineering eclipse plugin working out of the box - does such a thing exist? [closed]

The other day, I discovered a tool from the University of Victoria called Diver: Dynamic Interactive Views For Reverse Engineering. You can either find a method and create a static sequence diagram starting with that method or you can run an application in a trace mode to capture the sequence diagram for a particular execution of an application.

I'm the initiator of the ModelGoon project, and I'm currently working on building sequence diagrams from a method. And I plan a release in few weeks. Therefore, I don't really know what are the features expected by users. I mean it is possible to build a very detailed sequence diagram from a method body, but is it really useful? I usually use sequence diagrams "to think something through, either to verify the logic in a use case or to design a method or service" as advised in Agile Modeling.

Can you tell me more about your use of the generated sequence diagram? as you said it would be better if it is modifiable, what kind of modifications do you expect, and what about code synchronization? What is the level of detail you're expecting from it?

Have you tried the Netbeans UML Modeling module?

Fell free to contact me from my website.