error reading keytab file krb5.keytab

I've noticed these kerberos keytab error messages on both SLES 11.2 and CentOS 6.3:

sshd[31442]: pam_krb5[31442]: error reading keytab 'FILE: / etc/ krb5. keytab'

/etc/krb5.keytab does not exist on our hosts, and from what I understand of the keytab file, we don't need it. Per this kerberos keytab introduction:

A keytab is a file containing pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys (these are derived from the Kerberos password). You can use this file to log into Kerberos without being prompted for a password. The most common personal use of keytab files is to allow scripts to authenticate to Kerberos without human interaction, or store a password in a plaintext file.

This sounds like something we do not need and is perhaps better security-wise to not have it.

How can I keep this error from popping up in our system logs? Here is my krb5.conf if its useful:

banjer@myhost:~> cat /etc/krb5.conf
# This file managed by Puppet
        default_tkt_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC
        default_tgs_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC
        preferred_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC
        default_realm = FOO.EXAMPLE.COM
        dns_lookup_kdc = true
        clockskew = 300

        default = SYSLOG:NOTICE:DAEMON
        kdc = FILE:/var/log/kdc.log
        kadmind = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

pam = {
        ticket_lifetime = 1d
        renew_lifetime = 1d
        forwardable = true
        proxiable = false
        retain_after_close = false
        minimum_uid = 0
        debug = false
        banner = "Enter your current"

Let me know if you need to see any other configs. Thanks.


This message shows up in /var/log/secure whenever a non-root user logs in via SSH or the console. It seems to only occur with password-based authentication. If I do a key-based ssh to a server, I don't see the error. If I log in with root, I do not see the error. Our Linux servers authenticate against Active Directory, so its a hearty mix of PAM, samba, kerberos, and winbind that is used to authenticate a user.

If you don't have a keytab on the host, you really aren't using Kerberos properly and are wide open to a relatively simple attack if the attacker can poison your DNS caches.

Kerberos is a shared secret system and to work effectively any server that accepts Kerberos tickets needs to have a local copy of the shared secret that the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) also has. This is what a keytab is, a local copy of the shared secret for that service.

A keytab can also be used as a cache for obtaining Kerberos Ticket-Granting-Tickets (TGTs), but that is for when you want your host to act as a client for a Kerberos server, not as a server.

pam_krb5 uses the keytab to verify that the password typed is the actual password in the KDC. If you don't have a keytab to allow this, then all you're verifying is that some machine somewhere responded to a Kerberos protocol request.

This might be an old one, but I had the same problem and wanted to get rid of the message. I followed these instructions from ArchLinux and solved it.

Just typed in this:

net ads keytab create -U administrator

It might depend on your setup, though.