Single Click in Terminal to Select Text

I've been searching for a while on this one and the only answers I can dig up are "use X11" I thought I would bring it to the experts. Is there a way to configure mouse gestures/actions in the OS X Terminal app such that single-clicking on text copies the text to the clipboard?

I'm not aware of a way to do it with the built-in Terminal app, but this is a feature that some terminal replacement apps, like iTerm 2, support.

Yes, but not with an unmodified left click. If you want to remap the middle or right mouse buttons to copy text, you can do this with a combination of BetterTouchTool and Automator.

The automator part:

Create a service that accepts text as input.

Single action: Do shell script. The shell script is /usr/bin/pbcopy

enter image description here

Save the action. Use System Preferences to assign an obscure keyboard shortcut to the action.

Then, in BetterTouchTool, remap the center mouse button to the keystroke that triggers your action.

That's the short version. For an expanded version with screenshots and more detailed instructions, come back later tonight, but I'm at work now and only have a Windows PC.