Loop through asynchronous request
so I have the following code to loop through a Object:
for(var x in block){
sendTextMessage(block[x].text, sender, function(callback){
//increment for?
For each iteration I want to do a request (send a facebook message), only after that request has finished, I want to go through the next iteraction, this is because without any callbacks, the messages won't be sent in the right succession.
function sendTextMessage(text, sender, callback) {
let messageData = { text:text}
url: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages',
qs: {access_token:token},
method: 'POST',
json: {
recipient: {id:sender},
message: messageData,
}, function(error, response, body) {
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300){
if(callback) callback('success')
I've had this problem before and not been able to solve it, how can I, somehow do this?
If you have any questions, please ask. Thank you.
Solution 1:
You can use async module which will be really helpful to you for making requests one by one. Below is a sample code from async official docs which is fairly intuitive to understand.
function asyncForEach (arr, iterator, callback) {
queue = arr.slice(0)
// create a recursive iterator
function next (err) {
if (err) return callback(err)
// if the queue is empty, call the callback with no error
if (queue.length === 0) return callback(null)
// call the callback with our task
// we pass `next` here so the task can let us know when to move on to the next task
iterator(queue.shift(), next)
// start the loop;
function sampleAsync (param, done) {
// put a callback when function is done its work
asyncForEach(result, function (param, done) { // result is the array you pass as iterator
sampleAsync(param, function (message) {
}, function () {