Weighted random selection from array

I would like to randomly select one element from an array, but each element has a known probability of selection.

All chances together (within the array) sums to 1.

What algorithm would you suggest as the fastest and most suitable for huge calculations?


id => chance
    0 => 0.8
    1 => 0.2

for this pseudocode, the algorithm in question should on multiple calls statistically return four elements on id 0 for one element on id 1.

Solution 1:

Compute the discrete cumulative density function (CDF) of your list -- or in simple terms the array of cumulative sums of the weights. Then generate a random number in the range between 0 and the sum of all weights (might be 1 in your case), do a binary search to find this random number in your discrete CDF array and get the value corresponding to this entry -- this is your weighted random number.

Solution 2:

The algorithm is straight forward

rand_no = rand(0,1)
for each element in array 
     if(rand_num < element.probablity)
          select and break
     rand_num = rand_num - element.probability

Solution 3:

I have found this article to be the most useful at understanding this problem fully. This stackoverflow question may also be what you're looking for.

I believe the optimal solution is to use the Alias Method (wikipedia). It requires O(n) time to initialize, O(1) time to make a selection, and O(n) memory.

Here is the algorithm for generating the result of rolling a weighted n-sided die (from here it is trivial to select an element from a length-n array) as take from this article. The author assumes you have functions for rolling a fair die (floor(random() * n)) and flipping a biased coin (random() < p).

Algorithm: Vose's Alias Method


  1. Create arrays Alias and Prob, each of size n.
  2. Create two worklists, Small and Large.
  3. Multiply each probability by n.
  4. For each scaled probability pi:
    1. If pi < 1, add i to Small.
    2. Otherwise (pi ≥ 1), add i to Large.
  5. While Small and Large are not empty: (Large might be emptied first)
    1. Remove the first element from Small; call it l.
    2. Remove the first element from Large; call it g.
    3. Set Prob[l]=pl.
    4. Set Alias[l]=g.
    5. Set pg := (pg+pl)−1. (This is a more numerically stable option.)
    6. If pg<1, add g to Small.
    7. Otherwise (pg ≥ 1), add g to Large.
  6. While Large is not empty:
    1. Remove the first element from Large; call it g.
    2. Set Prob[g] = 1.
  7. While Small is not empty: This is only possible due to numerical instability.
    1. Remove the first element from Small; call it l.
    2. Set Prob[l] = 1.


  1. Generate a fair die roll from an n-sided die; call the side i.
  2. Flip a biased coin that comes up heads with probability Prob[i].
  3. If the coin comes up "heads," return i.
  4. Otherwise, return Alias[i].