Where can I get a "useful" C++ binary search algorithm?

I need a binary search algorithm that is compatible with the C++ STL containers, something like std::binary_search in the standard library's <algorithm> header, but I need it to return the iterator that points at the result, not a simple boolean telling me if the element exists.

(On a side note, what the hell was the standard committee thinking when they defined the API for binary_search?!)

My main concern here is that I need the speed of a binary search, so although I can find the data with other algorithms, as mentioned below, I want to take advantage of the fact that my data is sorted to get the benefits of a binary search, not a linear search.

so far lower_bound and upper_bound fail if the datum is missing:

//lousy pseudo code
vector(1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,0) //notice no 5
iter = lower_bound_or_upper_bound(start,end,5)
iter != 5 && iter !=end //not returning end as usual, instead it'll return 4 or 6

Note: I'm also fine using an algorithm that doesn't belong to the std namespace as long as its compatible with containers. Like, say, boost::binary_search.

There is no such functions, but you can write a simple one using std::lower_bound, std::upper_bound or std::equal_range.

A simple implementation could be

template<class Iter, class T>
Iter binary_find(Iter begin, Iter end, T val)
    // Finds the lower bound in at most log(last - first) + 1 comparisons
    Iter i = std::lower_bound(begin, end, val);

    if (i != end && !(val < *i))
        return i; // found
        return end; // not found

Another solution would be to use a std::set, which guarantees the ordering of the elements and provides a method iterator find(T key) that returns an iterator to the given item. However, your requirements might not be compatible with the use of a set (for example if you need to store the same element multiple times).

You should have a look at std::equal_range. It will return a pair of iterators to the range of all results.

There is a set of them:


Search for:

  • lower_bound
  • upper_bound
  • equal_range
  • binary_search

On a separate note:

They were probably thinking that searching containers could term up more than one result. But on the odd occasion where you just need to test for existence an optimized version would also be nice.

If std::lower_bound is too low-level for your liking, you might want to check boost::container::flat_multiset. It is a drop-in replacement for std::multiset implemented as a sorted vector using binary search.

The shortest implementation, wondering why it's not included in the standard library:

template<class ForwardIt, class T, class Compare=std::less<>>
ForwardIt binary_find(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value, Compare comp={})
    // Note: BOTH type T and the type after ForwardIt is dereferenced 
    // must be implicitly convertible to BOTH Type1 and Type2, used in Compare. 
    // This is stricter than lower_bound requirement (see above)

    first = std::lower_bound(first, last, value, comp);
    return first != last && !comp(value, *first) ? first : last;

From https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/lower_bound