Is there a windows console emulator? [closed]

Try ConEmu - Windows Console Emulator. I'm the author of it.

ConEmu is highly configurable and flexible tool with hundreds of options :) Fonts, Tabs, keboard shortcuts for standard actions and simply macros, Quake style, ANSI support, GUI apps (putty, notepad++) in tabs and much more.

Note. Ctrl+V by default paste only first line from clipboard. Shift+Ins paste all lines. This was made to avoid unexpectedly execution of commands on paste in prompt.

And how about to change cursor position in prompt with mouse click?

Window Console Enhancement

Console does everything you ask for, and more. Except you should reconsider the Ctrl-C as Daniel points out. By default, on most OS, copying from a gui console is done simply by highlighting text with the mouse.

You could install CygWin and use Putty with it: