How to split a multipage TIFF file on Windows?

Solution 1:

The King of image transformation software is Image Magick. You can use this to do most image translations / conversions, and it's a respected (and therefore as safe) as these things can be.

It's a command line tool, but more powerful for that. At a command prompt, simply type ...

convert multipage.tif single%d.tif

to create multiple tif files.

On Windows, you must add magick to beginning of the command:

magick convert multipage.tif single%d.tif

Solution 2:

There is a free Tiff Splitter:

A simple WinForms app that opens a multi-page tiff file and saves all pages as individual tiff files. The input file can be selected through file browsing, or drag-and-dropped from the File Explorer.

Requires .NET 4.0 / Tested on Windows 7

Solution 3:

Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) can split a TIFF using the Page>Move pages to a new file option (select pages you want to split out from the original file first).

MODI is installed as part of Office 2003, and although I believe a version was included with office XP/2002, I think it was an optional install and may not have the TIFF writer necessary to carry out this task (can't test here, sorry!).