How to trick the Ubuntu version as seen by an application?

I'm trying to install Intel Beacon Mountain on Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) 64-bit.

But the installer complained about it is not a supported OS. The installer only supports 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04. I looked at the script, but eventually it runs another installer (binary executable), and it seems to check the Ubuntu version itself. I just gave it a try to modify /etc/issue and /etc/, but as expected, I had no luck.

I'm not sure what mechanism the installer use to check OS version. Maybe lsb_release?

Is there any general approach to trick the OS version?

Actually, I don't have much interest in installing Beacon Mountain, but I want to know the way to trick the OS version.

The key is /etc/lsb-release.

I just modify /etc/lsb-release and make things work. I didn't know about that file before but /etc/issue. However, In my understanding, /etc/issue file is used for shell greeting message and /etc/ file is for remote shell greeting. (FIXME)

I figure it out with strace lsb_release -a and found that it read /etc/lsb-release file.