I have been working on a software where there is a section to promote and/or demote other users. For last two days, I have been thinking and searching for a common term to group both of these terms together but it seems like I am out of luck or I am searching in the wrong direction.

I was wondering if anyone is aware of a proper term or word which can convey the meaning of promotion/demotion or level change on itself without requiring any further explanation to the user?


To make it clear, it's promotion/demotion just like done in school. So Level, Rank etc are out of question. Also the term will be better suited if it's a verb for Promotion/Demotion.

Solution 1:

Transition (noun):

a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : CHANGE b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another

The verb form has the same meanings.

For example:

I transitioned to a [lower / higher] grade.
I am evaluating which users I should transition into a different role.

Solution 2:

I might consider something like "User ranking" or "Manage user ranking" or simply "Manage users".