Unreported exception java.sql.SQLException; must be caught or declared to be thrown?

I got this error while trying to compile the below code. I would like to know what is I have done wrong.

unreported exception java.sql.SQLException; must be caught or declared to be thrown

private void setupInfo() {

    Driver driver = new org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver();
    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test";
    String username = "root";
    String password = "123456";

    String problemFeatureSpecTableName = "ProblemFeatureSpec";
    String solutionFeatureSpectTableName = "SolutionFeatureSpec";
    String classTableName = "Class";
    String extraDataTableName = "ExtraData";
    String casebaseTablename = "CaseBase";
    String problemTableName = "Problem";
    String solutionTableName = "Solution";
    String inactiveContextsTableName = "InactiveContext";
    String constantsTableName = "Constants";
    dbInfo = new DBInfo(new JDBCDriverInfo(driverName, url, username, password),constantsTableName);
    problemSpecInfo = new FeatureSpecRDBInfo(problemFeatureSpecTableName, classTableName, extraDataTableName);
    solutionSpecInfo = new FeatureSpecRDBInfo(solutionFeatureSpectTableName, classTableName, extraDataTableName);
    rdbCasebaseInfo = new RDBCaseBaseInfo(casebaseTablename, solutionTableName, problemTableName, inactiveContextsTableName);

Solution 1:

You either need to catch the exception in your method:

public void setupInfo()
        // call methods that might throw SQLException
    catch (SQLException e)
        // do something appropriate with the exception, *at least*:

Or declare the method to throw SQLException:

private void setupInfo() throws SQLException
    // call methods that might throw SQLException

Solution 2:

Catch the exception or throw it. Better use an IDE (Eclipse or Netbeans), which will tell you the error the moment you press enter.

Solution 3:

This line of code throws an uncaught exception:

Driver driver = new org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver();

try this:

try {
   Driver driver = new org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver();
catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
  // you may want to do something useful here
 // maybe even throw new RuntimException();