Use Two Monitors As One (Not Mirror, Not Extend)

I've got two monitors set up. Monitor two is currently extending my desktop area. Both are running with a resolution of 1440x900.

What I would like to do is treat the monitors like just one super wide monitor. Is there a way to treat it as if my desktop was 2880x900? I just don't want it to treat the monitors as two separate screens as opposed to just one giant one.

Solution 1:

Did you consider buying Matrox DualHead2Go Digital? As far as I know this device, attached between one output of your graphics card and both your monitors (both running the same resolution), will make the latter present as one screen of combined resolution - just as you want :) There are many editions of this device (probably you should avoid buying Analog version since your resolution exceeds its capabilities). There is also TripleHead2Go with which you could use two monitors now, and later add the third if it would be useful.