How do I restrict the type of React Children in TypeScript, using the newly added support in TypeScript 2.3?

Solution 1:

Edit 2: Turns out that this approach prevent the warning, but according to the comments TabProps aren't properly checked.

You should try to set children of interface TabbedViewProps like so

interface TabbedViewProps { children?: React.ReactElement<TabProps>[] }

The idea here is not to tell your TabbedView has an array of Tab, but instead tell your TabbedView he has an array of element which takes specific props. In your case TabProps.

Edit ( thx to Matei ):

interface TabbedViewProps {
    children?: React.ReactElement<TabProps>[] | React.ReactElement<TabProps>

Solution 2:

As pointer out already, declaring TabbedView.children as:

children: React.ReactElement<TabProps> | React.ReactElement<TabProps>[];

Will get rid of the error, but it won't be type-checking the children properly. That is, you will still be able to pass children other than TabProps to TabbedView without getting any error, so this would also be valid:

return (
    <Tab name="Creatures">

    <Tab name="Combat">

    <NotTabButValidToo />

What you could do instead is declare a prop, let's say tabs: TabProps[], to pass down the props you need to create those Tabs, rather than their JSX, and render them inside TabbedView:

interface TabbedViewProps {
  children?: never;
  tabs?: TabProps[];


const TabbedView: React.FC<TabbedViewProps > = ({ tabs }) => {
  return (

    { => <Tab key={ ... } { } />) }


Solution 3:

I tried to assert the type. You can throw or just ignore.

interface TabbedViewProps {
  children?: React.ReactElement<ITabProps> | React.ReactElement<ITabProps>[]

And in the component itself map the children and assert or ignore

{, (tab) => {
  if(tab?.type != Tab) return;
  console.log(tab?.type == Tab);
  return tab;