Alias with variable in bash [duplicate]

I want to create an alias in bash like this:

alias tail_ls="ls -l $1 | tail"

Thus, if somebody types:

tail_ls /etc/ 

it will only show the last 10 files in the directory.

But $1 does not seem to work for me. Is there any way I can introduce variables in bash.

I'd create a function for that, rather than alias, and then exported it, like this:

function tail_ls { ls -l "$1" | tail; }

export -f tail_ls

Note -f switch to export: it tells it that you are exporting a function. Put this in your .bashrc and you are good to go.

The solution of @maxim-sloyko did not work, but if the following:

  1. In ~/.bashrc add:

    sendpic () { scp "$@" [email protected]:/www/misc/Pictures/; }
  2. Save the file and reload

    $ source ~/.bashrc
  3. And execute:

    $ sendpic filename.jpg

original source:

alias tail_ls='_tail_ls() { ls -l "$1" | tail ;}; _tail_ls'

You can define $1 with set, then use your alias as intended:

$ alias tail_ls='ls -l "$1" | tail'
$ set mydir
$ tail_ls

tail_ls() { ls -l "$1" | tail; }