Select statement to find duplicates on certain fields

Can you help me with SQL statements to find duplicates on multiple fields?

For example, in pseudo code:

select count(field1,field2,field3) 
from table 
where the combination of field1, field2, field3 occurs multiple times

and from the above statement if there are multiple occurrences I would like to select every record except the first one.

To get the list of fields for which there are multiple records, you can use..

select field1,field2,field3, count(*)
  from table_name
  group by field1,field2,field3
  having count(*) > 1

Check this link for more information on how to delete the rows.

There should be a criterion for deciding how you define "first rows" before you use the approach in the link above. Based on that you'll need to use an order by clause and a sub query if needed. If you can post some sample data, it would really help.

You mention "the first one", so I assume that you have some kind of ordering on your data. Let's assume that your data is ordered by some field ID.

This SQL should get you the duplicate entries except for the first one. It basically selects all rows for which another row with (a) the same fields and (b) a lower ID exists. Performance won't be great, but it might solve your problem.

SELECT A.ID, A.field1, A.field2, A.field3
  FROM myTable A
                 FROM myTable B
                WHERE B.field1 = A.field1
                  AND B.field2 = A.field2
                  AND B.field3 = A.field3
                  AND B.ID < A.ID)