TestFlight: Complete test information is required to submit a build for external testing

Solution 1:

I checked and unchecked "Sign-in required" and Saved and the warning icon finally went away.

Solution 2:

Apple has new requirements for test information. It now requires a phone number, but it didn't a couple of weeks ago.

For the benefit of others, here is the information that was needed to be complete for our app on 2 May 2017.

Test Information

  • Beta App Description

(We had this only in English (U.S.) Although our app has French versions, we were able to get away without a description in those languages.)

  • Feedback Email
  • Marketing URL
  • Privacy Policy URL

Beta App Review Information

  • Contact Information (all fields)
  • Demo Account

(Our app requires a login. Your mileage may vary.)

We did not have Review Notes or a License Agreement.