How to configure on nginx: fallback/default website

In Apache, if 1) I have multiple virtual hosts listening to one port and 2) if no requests match any of the virtual host, then the first virtual host will be the one that will answer the request. For example, given I have this config:

<VirtualHost *:8080>
  ServerAlias *
  # ...

<VirtualHost *:8080>
  ServerAlias *
  # ...


  • When someone, then the second virtual host will be answer the request (no surprise here)
  • When someone visits, then the first virtual host will answer the request (no surprise here)
  • When someone visits (and points to the server), then the first virtual host will answer the request

It's the last scenario I'm trying to implement with nginx, but could not see anything in the site talking about this. I tried over-eager wildcards but it complains that it is not valid.

How would you do the above confiuration in nginx? Thanks in advance!

If you only want a specific virtual host to answer the request you can simply do as following. Add (or change) the listen line to include default_server at the end. This will serve that virtual host without changing the URL.

server {
    # Add default_server for any unresolved request
    listen 80 default_server;        

If you want to do a redirect when a user hits you can add a new server block and redirect to the host you want to use:

server {
    # Add default_server only here for any unresolved request
    listen 80 default_server;    
    server_name _;
    rewrite ^$request_uri permanent;