Was Nabi Tajima (died this week at 117) born in the 19th or 20th Century? [closed]

In the Western calendar system based on the Gregorian calendar, the year zero does not exist. That means we started counting with year 1.

That means that the first decade, the first century and the first millennium all started in the year 1, not in the year zero.

From there it follows that the second century started in the year 101, and the 20th century in the year 1901.

However, a lot of people like round numbers, and a lot of people celebrated the beginning of the third millennium on January 1st, 2000, instead of 2001.

Technically, Nabi was indeed born in the 19th century, because the 20th century didn't begin until January 1901. In common usage most people will however consider 1900 the start of the 20th century.

Ms Tajima was born in the 19th Century. That is, between 1st January 1801 and 31st December 1900. I think if you were a mathematician you would like to argue that the calendar should have began at 0, however it didn't it began at 1 which means that each following century began at 101, 201 and so on.