React Native iOS and Android folders not present

Solution 1:

One of the points of Expo on top of React Native is that you don't go down to android or ios code. Expo deals with those folders for you, you don't need to interact with them. Is there a reason you need those folders? if so, you will have to eject. Here's the documentation to do so: Ejecting with ExpoKit

Solution 2:

You can get to that project structure by running:

npm run eject

However, it removes the app from the Expo framework, which adds a lot of nice benefits and abstraction from the Android/iOS code.

Solution 3:

i think if you want to develop app with ReactNative you start follow this : Getting Started use React Native.

If you create project with ReactNative just write on your terminal like:

react-native init YourProjectName
cd YourProjectName
react-native run-ios //for iOS

I hope my answer helping you to create project with ReactNative. thanks..

Solution 4:

Try this to generate the Android and iOS folder

react-native eject

react-native link

Solution 5:

I think I am little late but follow this steps if you don't want to read any document.

android and ios folder are not present when react native project is created with expo. so you have to detach expo from your project to create android and ios folder.

first add required package name in app.json file

    ios: {
       bundleIdentifier: "com.yourcompany.yourappname",
    android: {
       package: "com.yourcompany.yourappname",

then run below command in terminal

exp detach

after command is successfully executed you will find android and ios folder