Transmission causes internet to stop working - log off required to make it work again

Solution 1:

I think you might be experiencing the same problem as the one discussed in Transmission slows down internet connection. This is my answer to that question:

The problem, in your case, is probably not the data rate but the number of connections. Many internet gateways can't handle many connections at the same time.

You can Limit your maximum amount of simultaneous connections in the Transmission preferences like so:

Preferences → Network → Maximum Peers per torrent

Try to keep these values very low at first. 5/10 is a good starting point. And increase them slowly as you find it working.

  • Note: Especially new torrents can show this behaviour. If you wait until there are enough seeders for a torrent, it'll be slowing down your browsing much less.

  • Note also: You shouldn't have to limit bandwidth. This is handled by the TCP/IP stack, no problem, in most cases. It tries to schedule packet delivery fairly.

I found that some routers just give up under the load of a badly seeded torrent when you use many connections.

Solution 2:

Actually I found that implementing a blocklist improved transmissions behavior extensively. I had the issue that when I would use transmission torrents and web would stop, and I would unplug the modem and replug it in to get internet again. I tried lowering connections and other things but it seems the block list was the best answer. I put this url under transmission->edit-> preferences->privacy->url (Ihope it is ok to post that)

Solution 3:

I had the same problem, in Ubuntu 14.04 with Transmission 2.82.

I solved it disabling in Transmission preferences the option "Enable uTP for peer communication" (it's in the preferences' Network tab).

I documented it here: