Should you replace your task manager with process explorer? [closed]

We all know & love process explorer. The question is should it be used as the main task manager and replace Windows task manager (launched on CTRL-SHIFT-ESCAPE).

No- it's not a big deal to run it manually and if you have someoen on the box that doesn't know how to use it it just confuses them. It's also slower on large systems than task manager (which isn't shocking- its getting more stuff.)

No. When your system becomes overloaded - it's hard to launch ANYTHING, and PE is heavier to load than the standart one.

As Jim B said - you can run it manually (assign another hotkey, for instance).

Yes. Having it replace the default task manager give you the same information + a hell of a lot more while cutting down the time/extra steps needed to launch it when you might need it.

The nice thing about replacing Task Manager with Process Explorer is that you can always switch back easily (without resorting to registry hacks) if you do not like the switch.

I gave it a try for a while, but found out that its performance is worse than Task Manager's. Sometimes, when trying to find out the app that's causing the highest CPU usage, PE points to itself :)

Another detractor for me: I have a 64bit OS. Every time I lunch PE, it creates a 64bit process, uses it, and deletes it in the end. The whole thing takes cycles, not to mention irritates the hell out of my security software :)

BTW, if anyone here knows of a way to make the 64bit process permanent (so it won't be recreated every time) - please let me know.