Convert pandas series into numpy array [duplicate]

I am new to pandas and python. My input data is like

category   text
1   hello iam fine. how are you
1   iam good. how are you doing.

inputData= pd.read_csv(Input', sep='\t', names=['category','text'])
X = inputData["text"]
Y = inputData["category"]

here Y is the panda series object, which i want to convert into numpy array. so i tried .as_matrix

YArray= Y.as_matrix(columns=None)
print YArray

But i got the output as [1,1] (which is wrong since i have only one column category and two rows). I want the result as 2x1 matrix.

To get numpy array, you need


Try this:
after applying the .as_matrix on your series object


Since .as_matrix() only returns a numpy-array NOT a numpy-matrix. Link here

If df is your dataframe, then a column of the dataframe is a series and to convert it into an array,

df = pd.DataFrame()
x = df.values

The following prints,

<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

successfully converting it to an array.