How much disk space is allocated in Ubuntu for a new user?

How much disk space is allocated in Ubuntu 12.04 if new user is added? I have 500GB completely allocated for Ubuntu. If a new user is added then how much disk space will be allocated for him?

Solution 1:

There is no limitations by default. The new user can take all of free space unless you install special quota program. To install it in Ubuntu, you have to write in Terminal:

sudo apt-get install quota

There are plenty of tutorials on how to use quota in Linux around the Internet, just search "quota ubuntu". For quick start, you may use this tutorial.

Solution 2:

When a new user is created some KByte for his personal folder are allocated.

When the users uses his account some more space is used for config files, caches etc. Depending on the programs used and their settings (like browser cache size) this may grow into a few GByte.

Usually the biggest thing are the personal files a user stores in his account.