I am trying to bulk update records using Entity Framework. I have tried Entity Framework.Extensions Update method.

The Update method is able to bulk update for a set of records with same set of update values.


           Id -  Quantity
Record 1 - A  -  10
Record 2 - B  -  20
Record 3 - C  -  30

We can bulk update all the above records by simple calling

Records.Update(new => Record { Quantity = 100 });

How can I bulk update each record with different quantity using Entityframework.Extensions or in any other approach, which completes the bulk update faster?

Solution 1:

If you don't want to use an SQL statement, you can use the Attach method in order to update an entity without having to load it first :

using (myDbEntities db = new myDbEntities())
      //disable detection of changes to improve performance
      db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

      //for all the entities to update...
      MyObjectEntity entityToUpdate = new MyObjectEntity() {Id=123, Quantity=100};

      //then perform the update
      //re-enable detection of changes
      db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

Solution 2:

Use ExecuteSqlCommand:

using (yourDbEntities db = new yourDbEntities())
    db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE YourTABLE SET Quantity = {0} WHERE Id = {1}", quantity, id);

Or ExecuteStoreCommand:

yourDbContext.ExecuteStoreCommand("UPDATE YourTABLE SET Quantity = {0} WHERE Id = {1}", quantity, id);

Solution 3:

Use this way if you just want to modify few properties:

foreach (var vSelectedDok in doks)
    //disable detection of changes to improve performance
    vDal.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

    vDal.Entry(vSelectedDok).Property(x => x.LastDateChanged).IsModified = true;