Write a number with two decimal places SQL Server

Solution 1:

Try this


such as


will result in output 3.00

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Use Str() Function. It takes three arguments(the number, the number total characters to display, and the number of decimal places to display

  Select Str(12345.6789, 12, 3)

displays: ' 12345.679' ( 3 spaces, 5 digits 12345, a decimal point, and three decimal digits (679). - it rounds if it has to truncate, (unless the integer part is too large for the total size, in which case asterisks are displayed instead.)

for a Total of 12 characters, with 3 to the right of decimal point.

Solution 3:

Generally you can define the precision of a number in SQL by defining it with parameters. For most cases this will be NUMERIC(10,2) or Decimal(10,2) - will define a column as a Number with 10 total digits with a precision of 2 (decimal places).

Edited for clarity