Why is command tilde/acute not working?

It's clear that my hot key is enabled and I even reset it to command-~/` (tilde/acute key), but it doesn't work. Any ideas why?

Solution 1:

The fix is to goto keyboard shortcut preferences and tick the option 'move focus to next window' under 'keyboard' section. Thanks fix cmd backtick

Solution 2:

Have the same problem. In my case problem is in the keyboard settings: § shown then I press ` on my keyboard. This is because of I choose ISO (European) in System settings -> Keyboard -> Change keyboard type wizard. Just change it to ANSI (USA and others) and ` returns.

If you need keep ISO (European) just reassign shortcut move focus to next window to command-§ (find shortcut, click on existing key combination and press on keyboard command-§/`).

Solution 3:

I had the same problem and it looks like if the Chrome is maximized, command-~/` (tilde/acute key) doesn’t work to shift between windows of Chrome.

So I tried minimizing, but expanded the window size manually, switching windows between Chrome work with this. So do not maximize the window.

Solution 4:

A sure fire way to get that working again (barring something strange) is to restore the default keyboard shortcuts.

Visit System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts and smack the "Restore Defaults" button.