Kotlin Data Class from Json using GSON

Solution 1:

Data class:

data class Topic(
  @SerializedName("id") val id: Long, 
  @SerializedName("name") val name: String, 
  @SerializedName("image") val image: String,
  @SerializedName("description") val description: String

to JSON:

val gson = Gson()
val json = gson.toJson(topic)

from JSON:

val json = getJson()
val topic = gson.fromJson(json, Topic::class.java)

Solution 2:

Based on answer of Anton Golovin


  • Gson version: 2.8.5
  • Android Studio 3.1.4
  • Kotlin version: 1.2.60


Create any class data and inherit JSONConvertable interface

interface JSONConvertable {
     fun toJSON(): String = Gson().toJson(this)

inline fun <reified T: JSONConvertable> String.toObject(): T = Gson().fromJson(this, T::class.java)


Data class

data class User(
    @SerializedName("id") val id: Int,
    @SerializedName("email") val email: String,
    @SerializedName("authentication_token") val authenticationToken: String) : JSONConvertable


val json = "..."
val object = json.toObject<User>()


val json = object.toJSON()

Solution 3:

You can use similar in Kotlin class

class InventoryMoveRequest {
    var userEntryStartDate: String? = null
    var userEntryEndDate: String? = null
    var location: Location? = null
    var containers: Containers? = null

And also for nested class you can use same like if there is nested object. Just provide Serialize name for the Class.

@Entity(tableName = "location")
class Location {

    var rows: List<Row>? = null
    var totalRows: Long? = null


so if get response from the server each key will map with JOSN.

Alos, convert List to JSON:

val gson = Gson()
val json = gson.toJson(topic)

ndroid convert from JSON to Object:

val json = getJson()
val topic = gson.fromJson(json, Topic::class.java)