Extract domain from URL in python [duplicate]

I have an url like:

I want to get:

What module can I use to accomplish this?
I want to use the same module and method in python2.

Solution 1:

For parsing the domain of a URL in Python 3, you can use:

from urllib.parse import urlparse

domain = urlparse('http://www.example.test/foo/bar').netloc
print(domain) # --> www.example.test

However, for reliably parsing the top-level domain (example.test in this example), you need to install a specialized library (e.g., tldextract).

Solution 2:

Instead of regex or hand-written solutions, you can use python's urlparse

from urllib.parse import urlparse

>> ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='abc.hostname.com', path='/somethings/anything/', params='', query='', fragment='')

>> abc.hostname.com

To get without the subdomain

t = urlparse('http://abc.hostname.com/somethings/anything/').netloc
print ('.'.join(t.split('.')[-2:]))
>> hostname.com

Solution 3:

You can use tldextract.

Example code:

from tldextract import extract
tsd, td, tsu = extract("http://abc.hostname.com/somethings/anything/") # prints abc, hostname, com
url = td + '.' + tsu # will prints as hostname.com    