Set different parts of a form field to have different fonts using iTextSharp

Solution 1:

Yes, kinda. PDF fields can have a rich text value (since acrobat 6/pdf1.5) along with a regular value.

The regular value uses the font defined in the default appearances... a single font.

The rich value format (which iText doesn't support directly, at least not yet), is described in chapter of the PDF Reference. <b>, <i>, <p>, and quite a few css2 text attributes. It requires a with various attributes.

To enable rich values, you have to set bit 26 of the field flags (PdfName.FF) for a text field. PdfFormField doesn't have a "setRichValue", but they're dictionaries, so you can just:

myPdfFormField.put(PdfName.RV, new PdfString( richTextValue ) );

If you're trying to add rich text to an existing field that doesn't already support it:

AcroFields fields = stamper.getAcroFields();

AcroFields.Item fldItem = fields.getFieldItem(fldName);
PdfDictionary mergedDict = item.getMerged(0);
int flagVal = mergedDict.getAsNumber(PdfName.FF).intValue();
flagVal |= (1 << 26);

int writeFlags = AcroFields.Item.WRITE_MERGED | AcroFields.Item.WRITE_VALUE;
fldItem.writeToAll(PdfName.FF, new PdfNumber(flagVal), writeFlags);
fldItem.writeToAll(PdfName.RV, new PdfString(richTextValue), writeFlags);

I'm actually adding rich text support to iText (not sharp) as I type this message. Hurray for contributors on SO. Paulo's been good about keeping iTextSharp in synch lately, so that shouldn't be an issue. The next trunk release should have this feature... so you'd be able to write:

myPdfFormField.setFieldFlags( PdfFormField.FF_RICHTEXT );
myPdfFormField.setRichValue( richTextValue );


// note that this will fail unless the rich flag is set
acroFields.setFieldRichValue( richTextValue );

NOTE: iText's appearance generation hasn't been updated, just the value side of things. That would take considerably more work. So you'll want to acroFields.setGenerateAppearances(false) or have JS that resets the field value when the form its opened to force Acrobat/Reader to build the appearance[s] for you.