Drunk test for cpanel or website? [closed]

On a serious note though:

If you have precedent of admins login in to your CPanel (or other server management consoles) intoxicated/drunk, it might be wiser to look at this problem as a personnel/management issue instead of looking for a solution to a problem as trying to put a bandaid on a gaping wound. (As of right now, there is no practical way of doing this since most entities looking at this kind of solution would also have to think at preventing access to people under the influence of Marijuana, Cocaine, Speed, Mushrooms, etc..)

You should note that you can control 'who you hire/has admin rights', but not who's going to act irresponsibly, maliciously, and unethically on your servers. Remember, by hiring and giving those rights, you're making the decision of who's going to have your trust based on your personal assessment.

Sure...just hook up a USB breathalyzer :-).

How about only allowing very long and complex passwords that they can't change, something like: "l0c0b0x l1k3s 2 dr1nk c0ff33 3v3r1 d41" and deny access for 2 hours after three wrong entries.

Other than that, maybe think about writing a flash app like that drunk walk game that only shows you a login prompt once the drunk guy 'reaches home'.

alt text http://shaneshapiro.com/drunk_walk.JPG

*I wrote another post with a more serious note

We've specifically selected login passwords that were complex enough, and stored in a system which displayed them in a font small enough, that intoxicated people could rarely maintain the visual concentration long enough to get the password correctly entered.

...uh ...not that we've had any direct experience with this. Oh, no.